Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2016

Awards & Accomplishments

Professor of Psychology and Law, Eugene Borgida, and Richard Zweigenhaft, Guilford College professor of psychology, co-edited a book titled ”Collaboration in Psychological Science: Behind the Scenes.” In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion that he and his co-author wrote, Borgida is the author of one of the chapters, “It takes a village: Interdisciplinary research collaboration in political psychology.” Thirty-five psychologists, who have collaborated extensively with a wide range of scholars from multiple disciplines over the course of their careers, wrote the other 20 chapters. The essays explore the many benefits of collaborating, as well as the pitfalls that can lead to difficult or even nightmare collaborative experiences. Best practices for collaborative scholarship are identified and discussed. Peter Salovey, the president of Yale University, wrote the foreward to the book, which has been published by Worth Publishers (a division of Macmillan Learning).

Emeritus Professor, Gloria Leon, was featured in an article in the Minnesota Daily. The article focuses on her studies of groups of people in isolation to gauge the compatibility of astronaut teams. The article can be found here.

Graduate Student Jeremy Harper received a Travel Award from the Society for Research in Psychopathology at the 2016 conference in Baltimore, Maryland, for his poster presentation titled "Testing the effects of adolescent alcohol use on adult conflict-related theta dynamics.” This work was conducted with Regents Professor Bill Iacono and Steve Malone.

Ashley Wright, a post-baccalaureate lab coordinator supervised by CSPR Graduate student Sam Cooper and Associate Professor Shmuel Lissek won a poster award at this years Society of Psychophysiological Research (SPR) conference, held here in Minneapolis, for a poster titled “High Trait Fear is Associated with Over-generalization and Impaired Inhibition of Classically Conditioned Fear.”


Congratulations to our recent Department of Psychology Ph. D graduates!

Ian Ramsay
Area: CSPR
Advisor: Angus MacDonald
Dissertation: Neural Impact of Cognitive Remediation for Schizophrenia in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Lovey Walker
Area: Counseling
Advisors: Moin Syed and Richard Lee

Dissertation: Processes of Identity Integration: An Examination of Sports & Ethnic Identities


Regents Professor Matt McGue was awarded a 5-year continuation of a R01 grant that was originally awarded in 1992 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.  The continuation is in the amount of 3.1 million dollars, in order to continue a prospective cotwin control study on adolescent drinking and midlife outcomes.

Professor Richard Lee is part of an interdisciplinary team that was awarded one of the University's Grand Challenge Research Grants.

The proposed project - Reminders for Readiness (R4R) – is to develop, pilot and study the implementation and initial impact of a universally available, low cost, personalized e- communication (text-messaging) system to support parents in promoting their children’s healthy development. The immediate objectives are to 1) establish strong partnerships with communities and stakeholders; 2) lay the parent recruitment infrastructure necessary to launch a sustainable system; 3) develop and launch relevant, culturally-responsive content for general messaging and text tailored to individual child needs; and 4) analyze the implementation of the partnerships, e- communication system, and pilot messaging to evaluate this partnership approach and the impact of this platform on infants and toddlers (0 – 3 years old), and their parents. We propose to start with messaging about well-child visits, immunizations, screening and service-venue use - outcomes that can be readily assessed, allowing a test of the utility of the service.

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